Friday, February 17, 2012

First Five Concentration Photos: week one

For this first group of photos that I took, it was purely unintentional in terms of a concentration idea. I was in the Bowe Theater after a show, and we had to empty the fog machine. Everybody stood in the middle of the fog or layed down and Krum (Ms. Harry) turned on the scrim (a giant white filmy screen at the back of the stage). She shone a variety of colors on the scrim and it reflected off into the fog. I grabbed my camera and took random pictures of the people in the fog. That's when a dreamscape idea occurred to me and I used these photos for the class assignment.


  1. I LOVE this set of photos (in the fog). The light and the colors are absolutely amazing. If you were going to use the black and white photo, I would amp up the contrast just a little bit. Otherwise, these are great.

  2. I really like the strong and bright colors that you used in your pictures, I think you should try to incorporate that with your concentration idea. The fog adds a very cool effect on the pictures, so far it looks good, but I would also try to create a bit more contrast in the black and white picture.


  3. Glad to see you jumped on a great photographic opportunity when you saw one! These are a nice start to your idea. I think the strongest image in terms of clarity is the top one. I'm excited to see what you do next with this kind of imagery.

  4. These photos are amazing. I love the vibrance of the colors intertwined with the fogginess of the... well, the fog! Was that a candid of N and S, or did they randomly pose like that? (I know I'm a dork for using their initials, but, ya know, privacy reasons.) Great, GREAT job!
