Friday, February 24, 2012

Week Three

Here is one of my diptychs for my new concentration theme. Her dream is to be a dancer. (Please refer to my post: New concentration idea for this week's progress). :)


     Alright,  so crazy as this may seem, I have had a complete change of ideas for my concentration theme. After trying and trying to take pictures throughout the past few weeks of different girls and attempting to capture their insecurities and "needs" at the same time, I realized it was extremely difficult and not what I was looking for. I was stuck and completely blanked on any other ideas at the time.  My new idea is this: I will take diptychs of pictures with half consisting of various people and then the other half a picture of something that represents what that individual wants to be when they grow up. I will do the people in black and white, and then the object in color to represent hope and a sense of motivation. I feel like this theme relates to me personally more than my other idea. However, this creates a dilemma because I now have a time-crunch. It will be very difficult for me to achieve this goal by next week, especially since I have activities before and after school every day. But this will definitely be a conflict that I can hopefully say I've overcome at the end of this project. Even though it's a bit ridiculous to change last minute, I feel like I can only do well if I do what I actually want to portray and if the pictures relate to me personally.
(Above is an example of what I wanted to do. It's supposed to be my mother, however, this isn't my mother as i don't have any pictures handy of her. My mom works with flowers and she's always wanted to, so the flower represents her dream and the woman represents my mom)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Experimenting With water: week two

So far, it has been incredibly difficult to find time to take pictures with people. So, I practiced taking pictures with water since I want to incorporate water into my photos to represent the distortion of reality and transcendence. I took my brothers hands and put them in the sink under trickling water with some blue light shining from the side. I also used my own hands a couple of times. Some of them are a bit blurry because even with a tripod it was impossible to keep the hands entirely still.

Friday, February 17, 2012

First Five Concentration Photos: week one

For this first group of photos that I took, it was purely unintentional in terms of a concentration idea. I was in the Bowe Theater after a show, and we had to empty the fog machine. Everybody stood in the middle of the fog or layed down and Krum (Ms. Harry) turned on the scrim (a giant white filmy screen at the back of the stage). She shone a variety of colors on the scrim and it reflected off into the fog. I grabbed my camera and took random pictures of the people in the fog. That's when a dreamscape idea occurred to me and I used these photos for the class assignment.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Concentration Theme Description

(Original Photos)
My concentration idea (for the time being) consists of a dreamscape theme. Basically, I want to have a variety of young women each in one photo, and then next to it, a picture of them in the form of who/what they wish they could be or something they wish they could change about themselves. So each picture would be a pair of pictures. When taking into consideration how modern society stereotypes and prejudices change the mindsets of young girls growing up, I wanted to send a message that "beauty" and happiness comes within oneself and the only way to be content is to accept it. It's very cliché and probably a little overdone, but I hate hearing about the things that girls will do to make themselves pretty, or what certain cultures subjugate young women to do to achieve "perfection". I want to show with pictures how crucial being yourself is and changing how you are to placate others with this orthodox look is erroneous. What makes the world and people unique is the variety and discrepancies in all of us. If possible,  I would like to incorporate water into each picture to add variety to the cliché theme, but this could be a bit difficult so this is all subject to change of course.  My concentration theme is still undergoing consideration. However, for the time being, it consists of a dreamscape composition with photos in pairs: half the photo being young women in reality and the other half of how they wish they could be.  Although somewhat cliché I want to portray the stereotypes of modern society aimed at young women. I would also like to incorporate water into each of the photos, but of course, this is all still subject to change.